Բայերը գրեք ներկա անորոշ ժամանակով, հիշեք, որ 3֊րդ դեմք եզակի թվում բային ավելանում է ֊s, -es-վերջավորությունը։ օրինակ` He plays the piano. 1. I… (love) you.2. Ron… (speaks) serious.3. She is (goes) to school every day.4. We (like) tomatoes.5. The boy…. (wants) to play.6. You …..(need) to sleep.7. They …..(agree) with me.8. She …..(hears) something strange.
Հետևյալ նախադասությունները դարձրեք հարցական, ժխտական (անցյալ ժամանակ֊Past tense, օրկնակ` They worked in the garden. Did they work in the garden? They didn’t work in the garden. He had a cat. Did he have a cat? He didn’t have a cat. He was 10. Was he 10? He was not 10.1. They worked in the garden.
2. I was a student.
Was I a student?
I wasnt a student.
3. We made a cake.
Did we make a cake?
We did’nt make a cake.
4. They saw a big car.
Did they see a big car?
They did’nt see a big car.
5. You were 10 years old.
Did you were 10 years old?
You did’nt were 10 years old.
Ընտրիր ճիշտ տարբեակը:
There are ….. pens on the table/ many, much/
Is there …. water in the glass? /some, any/
He drinks ….. coffee. /many, much/
There is ….. grass in the garden. /some, any/
There is …. snow in the yard. /many, much/
There is …. bread on the plate. /some, any/
There are …. trees in the garden. /many, much/
There isn’t …. coffee in the cup. /some, any/.